Why social distancing is not helping stop coronavirus in India by Dr. Khan and Prof. Abraham

The safety measures recommended by WHO have worked to reduce the spread of the virus in China, though implemented forcefully by a dictatorship, and in South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. Initially, soon after the first cases emerged, the precautions were not widely adopted in the U.S., Spain, Italy and the UK, leading to exponentially rising cases of infections and deaths in those wealthy countries.
To know more about India, please click – https://www.globalindiantimes.com/globalindiantimes/2020/4/4/why-social-distancing-is-not-helping-stop-the-spread-of-the-coronavirus-in-india

An article written by Dr. Mohd Imran Khan and Prof. Anu Abraham from Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics, Mumbai Campus published in Global Indian Times on  04/04/2020