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HomeA Pat on the backShodh Yatra 2024 by NMIMS Shirpur Campus.

Shodh Yatra 2024 by NMIMS Shirpur Campus.

NMIMS Shirpur Campus, in collaboration with National Law University, Jabalpur; The Centre for Rural Development and Technology, IIT, Indore; The Indian Institute of Management, Indore; The Centre for Studies in Tribal and Indigenous Communities, DNLU, Jabalpur; and Think India, Bharat, successfully organized “Shodh-Yatra-2024”, an unique initiative of a 70-km foot march through remote tribal villages of Madhya Pradesh (MP) (from 25th Dec-31st Dec’2024 – 7 days), providing an extraordinary opportunity to explore the vibrant tribal lifestyle, understanding tribal systems, and interacting with the local communities.

The objective of the Shodh Yatra was to record the traditional practices of the tribal area and analyze them based on scientific knowledge and methods. The group of Young Professionals under the leadership of Shirpur Campus faculty, Mr. Saurabh Maru, Assistant Prof. SPTM, Shirpur, visited the remotest villages of Madhya Pradesh, interacted with tribal people to understand their issues and facilitated them with various government schemes for Tribal communities in education, medical sector, etc. and recorded many tribal traditions which are unique and have high transforming impact on civilization like Van Bhaji, Dhas, Basak, etc.

Under the Shodh Yatra-2024 initiative, starting from Magarpati to Kotbandhani of Pati Block, Barwani District, Madhya Pradesh, covered the villages like Magarpatti, Anjrada, Osada, Budi, Semli, Bamnali, Limbi, Gudi, Harla, Rosar, Umriyapani, Golgao, Kherwani, Jiwani, Semlet, and Kotbandhani and arranged various activities across tribal villages like,

  1. Medical camps, identification of sickle cell patients and treatment
  2. Van Bhaji Utsav  to record traditional practices of using forest vegetables,
  3. Dhas to repair and construct water bodies with the help of community,
  4. Motivational sessions with school students,
  5. Literacy and government policies-related awareness sessions.

Over the years, the initiative has transformed healthcare in the tribal area as the locally residing students have become the heads of the Primary Health Centres (PHCs). PHCs are well connected with the local residents and thus are available for treatment and in a sympathetic manner. The scientific documentation of the Van Bhaji is going on, and people are made aware of it; currently in Alirajpur, we have recorded the demand for Van Bhaji at a good rate.

At every village where Shodh Yatra visited, a medical camp was conducted, and screening for sickle cell disease, skin diseases, leprosy, TB, etc. was conducted. A total of 12 medical camps were conducted, covering people from 17 villages during these 7 days. The Shodh Yatra recorded sickle cell disease prevalence in 17 villages of Pati block, Barwani, M.P., and 800 tribals were screened for sickle cell anaemia, in which 117 people were found positive. Mr. Saurabh Maru interacted with 600 students and conducted 8 motivational and career guidance sessions in the schools of these villages. A total of 5,000 people interacted with the Shodh Yatra. Many plants were recorded with high medicinal and nutritious food value in the villages. Plantations of Banyan and Sacred fig plants were done in villages. Two water bodies were constructed through the tribal tradition of “Dhas“.

Shodh-Yatra-2024 was concluded on 31st December 2024 at Kotbandhani by praying the tribute to the river Narmada. 

This year, Madhya Pradesh Rajyapal, Shri. Manubhai C. Patel, the Member of Parliament, Barwani-Khargone constituency; Barwani District Collector, Dr. Rahul Fating, the Superintendent of Police; MLAs around the Pati Block, CMHO and DHO, Barwani, have taken an interest in this young professional-led initiative, and they wholeheartedly supported this unique initiative. 

Our faculty, Mr. Saurabh Maru, Assistant Professor, SPTM, has been putting efforts into organizing Shodh Yatra since the year 2016 for this social cause, uplifting the livelihood of the tribal community.”


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